The Israel National Monitoring Program at the Gulf of Eilat - Available Data

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All the data collected by the NMP is available for public download and use.

There are two sets of data:

  1. Meteorological data, data collected continuously and automatically by the meteorological instrumental array at the end of the IUI pier. The time stamp refers to Israel winter time (GMT+2).
  2. Ecological and oceanographic data collected during the regular NMP survey campaigns. This data set is varied, in terms of the type of data, collection methods and frequency of collection. Data available for downloading in this data set is lagging behind the collection dates, to allow sufficient organization, initial processing (where relevant) and quality control.

Instructions for download are provided in each data set entry page. Be sure to disable pop-up blocks to allow files to be downloaded. Downloaded data files may be .asc or .cmv; both are text, comma delimited, and can be opened with a text-reading program or spreadsheet (such as Microsoft Excel).

If you found the NMP data useful, please acknowledge the program; if you make use of the data in scientific work, please cite the NMP (The Israel National Monitoring Program at the Gulf of Eilat) and refer to this website.

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