The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) was established to facilitate marine science in Europe and Associated Countries of the EC,
based on the commitment of member states. It builds upon existing facilities, equipment and human capital of marine biological stations and laboratories.
It is a distributed European Research Infrastructure that was added to the roadmap of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
in 2008 as a research infrastructure of pan-European interest.
The vision is the long-term collaboration and common development of strategies, best practices and standards related to the use of marine biological resources and marine biological research to fit user needs, advance marine science,
and to promote the blue bio-economy.
Presently, the EMBRC has nine European countries and Associated Countries as full members. IUI represents Israel in this consortium.
EMBRC aims to provide its services foremost to users from academia, industry and governments, and it will support both basic and applied research.
Services will include the provision of access to European marine, coastal ecosystems and biodiversity, marine model organisms, culture collections,
technology platforms including imaging, omics and structural biology facilities, e-infrastructure services, as well as culture, laboratory and training facilities and services.
EMBRC became a legal structure in the form of a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) in February 2018.
For more information please visit the EMBRC website or contact Simon Berkowicz (